Apostle Reddick Executive Clergy Pastor Spiritual Mother Overseeing & Holy Ghost Prayer in Christ Authority, Assurance of Faith, Faith, Hope, & Love Series, Prophetess CN Broadway Prophetic Evangelist Ministering a Prophet's Word in Christ Agape

Prophetess Doctrine: Faith, Hope, & Love by Prophetess CN Broadway Prophetic Evangelist Delivering a Prophetess’ Word 042624


Greetings in Christ the Lord,

NOT IN COMPETITION NOR Teacher Training 042426. Assurance of Faith is the Sub-Precept in the Faith, Hope, and Love Book Series.  Delivering a Prophetess’ Word:  Prophetess CN Broadway Prophetic Evangelist; Overseeing Apostle: Apostle N Reddick Spiritual Mother Executive Clergy Pastor.

Prophetess Benediction:

Peace and Blessings in Christ Agape, Prophetess Broadway Prophetic Evangelist