Apostle Reddick Spiritual Mother & Apostle Judge In Christ Authority

Personal Devotion with Apostle N B Reddick Apostle Spiritual Mother

Greetings in the Lord Christ,

Galatians 6:2 KJV‬ [2] Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. https://bible.com/bible/1/gal.6.2.KJV

Burdens are overtaking sins, cares of someone and the law is Christ Doctrine and Teachings. James 5:13-16 Elders are to pray for you for healing, sickness, and sin that they be forgiven you. Confessing your faults and Praying for one another is bearing one another’s burden. Converting Souls happens fulfilling Jesus Christ Doctrine and Teachings Psalms 19:7, we restore and reconcile souls to Jehovah Nissi while Christ Baptizes in the Holy Ghost Ruach Hakodesh.

Master Apostle Nichole B Reddick Apostle Discerning Senior Executive Clergymen Pastor ‭

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