Apostle N Reddick Apostle Executive Clergy Pastor, Devotion

Personal Devotion with Spiritual Mother Apostle N Reddick Apostle Senior Executive Clergymen Pastor 06-14-24

Lamentations 3:25-26 KJV‬ [25] The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, To the soul that seeketh him. [26] It is good that a man should both hope and quietly Wait for the salvation of the LORD. https://bible.com/bible/1/lam.3.25-26.KJV

Jesus our Amen the Alpha and Omega of our Faith. He is the Author of Eternal Salvation and the Anchor of our soul. The promises of God are yeah and Amen. Surely put your trust in him with every circumstance. Hope is important especially when it’s a long suffering season and in this season you must have patience with God. God will deliver you from the situation as you seek his face. Seek the Lord and Be Saved.

Apostle Spiritual Mother in Christ Apostle N B Reddick Apostle Senior Executive Clergymen Pastor ‭

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