Leanness of Soul, The Book of Psalm Series, Uncategorized

Bishop’s Word From God The Book of Psalm by Bishop AS King Master Prophetess Assistant Clergy Pastor 05/27/24


Greetings in the Lord Christ,
Leanness of Soul is the Sub-Precept Word of God in the Book of Psalm Series.
Bishop AS King Master Prophetess Clergy Pastor Presiding Over the Word in Black over Blue Rabat Bishop Clergy Vestment.  Apostle Overseeing the Service Session:  Apostle N Reddick Apostle Senior Clergy Pastor in Red with Gold Accent Rabat Clergy Apostle Vestment
Bishop’s Benediction is The Challenge is Great but God is Greater than the Challenge with Peace and Blessings in the Love of Christ, Bishop AS King Master Prophetess Assistant Clergy Pastor