Acknowledge, Apostle Chief Elder Apostle N Reddick Apostle Senior Executive Clergymen Pastor Apostle Overseeing the Service Session, Head Elder Bishop AS King Master Prophetess Assistant Clergymen Pastor Presiding Over the Word and Benediction

Head Elder’s Word Acknowledge by Head Elder Bishop AS King Master Prophetess Assistant Clergy Pastor 06-24-24


Greetings in the Lord Christ,

Seek is the Sub Precept Word in the Head Elder’s Word Acknowledge 06-24-23. Presiding Over the Word is Head Elder Bishop AS King Master Prophetess Assistant Clergy Pastor. Apostle Overseeing the Service is Apostle Chief Elder Apostle N Reddick Apostle Senior Executive Clergymen Pastor.  CSAMCU has no copyright to music.  CSAMCU Company Rights Owned By Founder Apostle Nichole Reddick.
Head Elder’s Benediction:
The Challenge is Great but God is Greater than the Challenge. Peace and Blessings with the Love of Christ, Head Elder Bishop AS King Master Prophetess Assistant Clergy Pastor

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