Letting the Rivers Flow, Living Water, Master Apostle N Reddick Overseeing, Master Apostle N Reddick Presiding

CSAM Fasting Meditation Scriptures & Devotions Day 5 with Master Apostle N Reddick

Greetings in the Lord Christ,

CSAM Fasting Meditation & Scriptures Day 5

Greetings in the Lord Christ,

A Fountain of Gardens, Scriptures: Song of Solomon 4:12-16, 5:1, Galatians 5:22-23, John 7:38, John 20:22, Isaiah 55:1-2, Revelation 22:17. Overseeing & Preaching: Master Apostle N Reddick. This is our final day of fasting and I pray you are filled to overflowing.

Peace & Blessings in and through the Holy Ghost, God’s Spirit Leading Us in Eternal Life and Fountain of Gardens in Christ Power and Agape. In Christ Authority, Master Apostle N Reddick

Fasting Meditation Scriptures, Letting the Rivers Flow, Living Water, Master Apostle N Reddick Master Seer Presiding, Master Apostle N Reddick Overseeing

CSAM Fasting Meditation Scriptures & Devotions Day 4 with Master Apostle N Reddick Presiding 090723

CSAM Fasting Meditation Scriptures Day 4

Greetings in the Lord Christ,

Soul of Living Waters Blesser. Overseeing & Preaching: Master Apostle N Reddick

Fasting Meditation Scriptures: Proverbs 11:25, II Corinthians 9:6-10, Proverbs 15:30, Psalms 23:5, and Hosea 10:12.

Peace & Blessings in and through the Holy Ghost, God’s Spirit Leading Us in Eternal Life and Christ Power and Agape. In Christ Authority, Master Apostle N Reddick

Letting the Rivers Flow, Master Apostle N Reddick Master Seer Presiding, Master Apostle N Reddick Overseeing, Master Prophet AS King Present, Spirit Birthing: Born of Water

Letting the Rivers Flow II by Master Apostle Nichole Reddick & Master Seer Overseeing & Preaching CSAM Church Bible Study Sermon Precept 090623

Letting the Rivers Flow II

Greetings in the Lord Christ,

Spirit Birthing: Born of Water is the Subtitle Precept. Overseeing & Preaching: Master Apostle N Reddick & Master Seer; Present: Master Prophet AS King & Associate Pastor. Follow @apostlereddicknichole or Like, View, and Subscribe at https://www.youtube.com/@seerapostlereddicknichole/ to Support and Receive Automatic Updates.

Peace & Blessings in and through the Holy Ghost, God’s Spirit Leading us in God’s Power and Agape. In Christ Authority, Master Apostle & Master Seer Nichole Reddick

Fasting Meditation Scriptures, Letting the Rivers Flow, Master Apostle N Reddick Master Seer Presiding, Master Apostle N Reddick Overseeing

CSAM Fasting Meditation Scriptures & Devotion Day 3 with Master Apostle N Reddick Presiding 090623

Fasting Meditation Scriptures Day 3

Greetings in the Lord Christ,

Wells Without Living Waters. Preaching & Overseeing: Master Apostle N Reddick. Scriptures: II Peter 2:17, Jude 1:12-13, Proverbs 25:14,Ephesians 4:14, 11-16; Scriptures Not Taught: Matthew 11:7 & Romans 16:17-18.

Peace and Blessings in and through the Holy Ghost, God’s Spirit Leading Us in Eternal Life and Christ Power and Agape. In Christ Authority,  Master Apostle Nichole Reddick

All, Master Apostle N Reddick Overseeing, Master Prophet AS King Preaching, The Book of Psalm Series

The Book of Psalms with Master Prophet AS King Preaching CSAM’s Message Precept Session 090423

Master Prophet AS King

Greetings in the Love of Christ,

ALL is the Message Subtitle Precept. Preaching: Master Prophet AS King; Present: Master Apostle N Reddick Overseeing. Follow @pastorprophetessaking or Like, View, and Subscribe at Https://youtu.be.com/@seerapostlereddicknichole/ to Support and Receive Automatic Updates.

Peace & Blessings in and through the Holy Ghost, God’s Spirit Leading Us in Eternal Life and Christ Power and Agape. In Christ Authority, Master Apostle Nichole Reddick