Apostle Reddick Spiritual Mother & Apostle Judge In Christ Authority, Biblical Black History, King Solomon True Description, Seer Master Prophetess AS King Associate Pastor with Sonship Present, Seer Prophetess CN Broadway Sermonizing the Prophetic Word

Biblical Black History by Prophetess C. N. Broadway’s Doctrine in God’s Word 022924


Greetings in Christ Agape,

King Solomon True Description in Biblical Black History. Prophetess’ Doctrine in God’s Word: Seer Prophetess CN Broadway in Black Clergy Tab Collar Shirt; Apostle Overseeing: Apostle Reddick Spiritual Mother; Associate Pastor Present: Master Prophetess A. King. Doxology Music: Apostle’s Creed by Emu Music.

Prophetess’ Benediction:

Have a Great Day. Peace & Blessings in Christ Agape, Seer Prophetess C. N. Broadway

Biblical Black History, Chief Apostle Reddick Spiritual Mother, Master Apostle Overseeing in Christ Authority, Evangelist S. D. Reid Prophetic Minister Sermonizing a Prophetic Word, Seer Master Prophetess AS King Associate Pastor with Sonship Present, The Prophet Simeon Called Niger

Biblical Black History by Evangelist Reid Sermonizing a Prophetic Word in the Salvation of Christ 022324


Greetings in the Salvation of Christ,

The Prophet Simeon Called Niger.  Evangelist Doctrine: Evangelist Reid Sermonizing a Prophetic Word in the Salvation of Christ.   Spiritual Mother Apostle Overseeing: Apostle Reddick in Apostle Vestment Red/Gold with Clergy Dress Full Banded Collar; Seer Master Prophet A. S. King  Associate Clergy Pastor, Elder in Green Embroidery Clergy Full Banded Collar Garment Mantle. Doxology: Apostle’s Creed by Emu Music.

Peace & Blessings in the Salvation of Christ, Evangelist Reid Prophetic Minister

CSAM Bonus Session, Faith, Hope, & Love Series, Graciously Accepted for the Appointment, Seer Master Prophetess AS King Associate Pastor with Sonship Present, Seer Prophetess CN Broadway Sermonizing the Prophetic Word, What We Gain By Faith

Prophet Doctrine: Faith, Hope, & Love by Seer Prophetess Broadway Prophetic Word 020924


Greetings in Christ Agape,

Prophetess’s Doctrine: What We Gain By Faith. Prophetic Word: Prophetess Broadway, C. N. in Black Clergy Tab Collar. Present: Apostle Overseeing in Christ Authority: Apostle Reddick Spiritual Mother in Apostle Vestment with Rabat Full Banded Clergy Collar and Brown; Seer Master Prophetess King Associate Clergy Pastor in Green Embroidery Clergy Shirt  Full Banded Collar   Doxology: Apostle’s Creed by Emu Music.  Audio Version: Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Prophetess Doctrine: Faith, Hope, & Love by Seer Prophetess Broadway’s Prophetic Word 020924 https://anchor.fm/letting-the-rivers-flow/episodes/Prophetess-Doctrine-Faith–Hope—Love-by-Seer-Prophetess-Broadways-Prophetic-Word-020924-e2fpuol


Peace & Blessings in Christ Agape, Prophetess Broadway

Chief Apostle Reddick Spiritual Mother, Master Apostle Presiding Doxology, the Word, and The Benediction in Christ Authority, Rites of Our Christian Faith, Seer Master Prophetess AS King Associate Pastor with Sonship Present, Worshiping God

Rites of Our Christian Faith by Chief Apostle Reddick Master Apostle & Spiritual Mother Presiding Doxology, The Word, and The Benediction in Christ Authority 012624


Greetings in Christ the Lord,

Worshiping God. Spiritual Mother Apostle Presiding in Christ Authority: Chief Apostle Reddick Master Apostle with Red & Gold Apostle Vestment over White Brocade Panel Robe with Cinture and Full Banded Collar Blue Rabat & Purple Apostle Clergy Blouse; Present Engaging: Seer Master Prophetess King Associate Pastor. Music: Shofar Blowing by Shofar; Apostle’s Creed by Emu Music; I Love You Lord and I Exalt Thee by Michael Bethany. Follow @seerapostlereddicknichole or Like, View, & Subscribe at http://www.youtube.com/@seerapostlereddicknichole/

Audio Version: Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Rites of Our Christian Faith by Chief Apostle Reddick Master Apostle, Spiritual Mother Presiding https://anchor.fm/letting-the-rivers-flow/episodes/Rites-of-Our-Christian-Faith-by-Chief-Apostle-Reddick-Master-Apostle–Spiritual-Mother-Presiding-e2f07im

Peace & Blessings in and through the Holy Ghost, God’s Spirit Leading Us in Eternal Life and in Christ Full Stature. Master Apostle in Christ Authority, Chief Apostle Reddick Spiritual Mother

Chief Apostle Seer Reddick Master Apostle Seer, Executive Pastor with Sonship, Spiritual Mother, Judge, Administrator, & Church Custodian Overseeing in Christ Authority, Converting Souls Apostolic Ministries Bible Message Precept Session, God's Symbolic Attributes in Directions, Seer Master Prophetess AS King Associate Pastor with Sonship Present, South: The Lord's Deliverance

God’s Symbolic Attributes in Directions IV by Chief Apostle Reddick Executive Pastor Master Apostle in Christ Authority 012424


Greetings in Christ the Lord,

South: The Lord’s Deliverance. A Place of Refreshment and Quietness of Earth. Executive Clergy Pastor Apostle in Christ Authority: Chief Apostle Reddick Master Apostle, Elder of the Faith, Apostle Garments Black Brocade Panel Robe, Black & Gold Cincture, Purple Clergy Blouse with Blue Rabat Full Banded Collar; Present Engaging: Seer Master Prophetess A King. Audio Version: Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: God’s Symbolic Attributes in Directions IV Chief Apostle Reddick Executive Pastor & Master Apostle https://anchor.fm/letting-the-rivers-flow/episodes/Gods-Symbolic-Attributes-in-Directions-IV-Chief-Apostle-Reddick-Executive-Pastor–Master-Apostle-e2etcv2.
Peace & Blessings in and through the Holy Ghost, God’s Spirit Leading Us in Eternal Life and in Christ Full Stature. Spiritual Mother in Christ Authority, Chief Apostle Reddick Executive Pastor & Master Apostle