Apostle Reddick Executive Clergy Pastor Spiritual Mother Overseeing & Holy Ghost Prayer in Christ Authority, Assistant Clergy Pastor Bishop AS King Master Prophetess Presiding Over the Word, Sin, The Book of Psalm Series

Bishop’s Doctrine The Book of Psalms by Assistant Clergy Pastor Bishop AS King Master Prophetess in Christ Love Presiding Over the Word 05.21.24


Greetings in Christ Love,

SIN is the Sub-Precept Word in the Book of Psalms Series.   Presiding Over the Word is Assistant Clergy Pastor Bishop AS King Master Prophetess and Overseeing the Session is Apostle N Reddick Apostle Executive Clergy Pastor. Doxology Music is by Emu Music. No © to Music but Company Rights Owned By Founder Apostle N Reddick.

Bishop King’s Benediction is Peace and Blessings with the Love of Christ.  The Challenge is Great but God is Greater than the Challenge, Bishop AS King