CSAM Holy Spirit Led Intercession and Supplication 832073066, CSAMCU 832073066 DBA 11351995, CSAMCU Holy Ghost Fountains Prayer Ministry Department, Head Elder, Bishop AS King Master Prophetess Assistant Clergy Pastor Bishop Advocate and Lead Holy Ghost Fountain Presiding Praying, Head Holy Ghost Fountain Chief Elder Apostle Reddick Apostle Executive Senior Clergy Pastor Apostle Advocate in Christ Authority Overseeing the Prayer Service and Spirit Prayer with Doxa Worship, Holy Ghost Fountains, Master Apostle Nichole Reddick Apostle Christian Goddess

Holy Spirit Led Intercession and Supplication with Chief Elder Discerning Apostle N Reddick Apostle Senior Executive Clergymen Pastor and Apostle Christian Goddess 06-18-24

Greetings in the Lord Christ,
Doxa Worship and Spirit Prayer is the Sub-Precept with CSAMCU Holy Ghost Fountains Holy Spirit Led Intercession and Supplication 06-18-24.  Head Holy Ghost Fountain Apostle Overseeing and Over Doxa Worship and Spirit Prayer is Chief Elder Apostle N B Reddick Apostle Christian Goddess and Apostle Senior Executive Clergymen Pastor in Black Apostle Vestment.  Lead Holy Ghost Fountain Head Elder Present and Engaging in Doxa Worship and Spirit Praying is Head Elder Bishop AS King Master Prophetess Assistant Clergy Pastor.  Music by Emu Music and Various Artist and No Music Copyrights with CSAMCU.  Company Rights Owned By Founder Apostle Nichole Reddick.
Apostle Reddick’s Benediction:
Peace and Blessings in and through the Holy Ghost, God’s Spirit Ruach Hakodesh the Paraclete Leading Us in Eternal Life with Moral Discernment and in Christ Full Stature.  Apostle in Christ Authority Apostle N B Reddick Apostle Senior Executive Clergymen Pastor and Apostle Christian Goddess of the Christian Covenant

Chief Elder Apostle N B Reddick Apostle Senior Executive Clergymen Pastor Head Holy Ghost Fountain Apostle in Christ Authority Overseeing and Spirit Praying, Converting Souls Apostolic Ministries Church Holy Ghost Fountains Prayer Ministry Department, Holy Ghost Fountains, Holy Ghost Supplication, Holy Ghost Tongue Power Edificiation Prayer, Holy Ghost Tongues Power Edification Prayer, Master Apostle Nichole Reddick Apostle Christian Goddess

Holy Spirit Led Intercession and Supplication with Chief Elder Master Apostle N Reddick Apostle Discerning Senior Executive Clergymen Pastor and Apostle Christian Goddess 06-13-24


Greetings in the Lord Christ,

Holy Ghost Tongues Power Edification Prayer is the Sub-Precept in CSAMCU Holy Ghost Fountains Prayer Service Session  Holy Ghost Supplication 06-13-24.  Head Holy Ghost Fountain Apostle is Chief Elder Master Apostle N B Reddick Apostle Senior Clergymen Pastor Discerning and Apostle Christian Goddess.
Apostle Reddick’s Benediction:
Peace and Blessings in and through the Holy Ghost, God’s Spirit Ruach Hakodesh Leading Us in Eternal Life with Moral Discernment and in Christ Full Stature.  In Christ Authority Chief Elder Master Apostle Reddick Apostle Senior Clergymen Pastor Discerning and Apostle Christian Goddess