Assistant Clergy Pastor Bishop AS King Master Prophetess Presiding Over the Word, Discerning Apostle N Reddick Chief Elder In Christ Authority Over the Service, Say So, The Book of Psalm Series

Bishop’s Word The Book of Psalms by Bishop AS Reddick King Master Prophetess Assistant Clergy Pastor Lead Holy Ghost Fountain 060324


Greetings in the Lord Christ,

Say So is the Sub Precept Word in the Book of Psalms Series.  Bishop’s Word Presided by Bishop AS Reddick King Master Prophetess Assistant Clergy Pastor in Black with Blue Rabat Bishop Clergy Garment.  Apostle N Barney Reddick Apostle Overseeing the Service Session in Red Apostle Vestment.  Music by Emu Music with CSAMCU having no Music copyrights.  CSAM Church Unincorporated Owner Rights are Founder’s Nichole Reddick Apostle.  

Bishop’s Benediction:
Peace & Blessings with the Love of Christ for the Challenge is Great but God is Greater than the Challenge, Bishop AS Reddick King Master Prophetess Assistant Clergy Pastor.