Apostle Judge Seer Nichole Reddick Overseeing & Preaching, Evangelist Reid SD Prophetic Minister Present, Letting the Rivers Flow, Master Prophet AS King Present, Seer Prophetess Broadway CN Present, Watered Gardens That Deceives Not

Letting the Rivers Flow III by Apostle Judge N Reddick Presiding CSAM’s Sunday Sermon Precept 091023

Letting the Rivers Flow III

Greetings in the Lord Christ,

Watered Gardens That Deceives Not is the Subtitle Sermon Precept. Overseeing & Preaching: Apostle Judge Nichole Reddick Master Apostle; Ministering Prayer & Reading Scripture Master Prophet AS King; Mistress of Ceremony: Prophetess CN Broadway; Ministering Tenets of Faith & Announcements: Evangelist SD Reid. Follow @apostlereddicknichole or Like, View, and Subscribe at https://youtube.com/@seerapostlereddicknichole/ to Support and Receive Automatic Updates.

Peace and Blessings in and through the Holy Ghost, God’s Spirit Leading Us in Eternal Life and Christ Power and Agape. In Christ Authority, Apostle Judge Nichole Reddick