Master & Chief Apostle Nichole Reddick Executive Pastor with Sonship, Apostle Judge Presiding in Christ Authority, Seer Master Prophetess A King Associate Pastor, Elder Presiding Doxology

God’s Judgment by Chief Apostle Judge N Reddick Master Apostle & Spiritual Mother In Christ Authority Presiding the Word 013124


Greetings in Christ the Lord,

In the Whirlwind the Lord Answers is the Sub-Precept. Master Apostle Presiding the Word in Christ Authority: Chief Apostle Judge Reddick Spiritual Mother, Executive Pastor & Elder of the Faith; Presiding Doxology: Seer Master Prophetess A King Associate Pastor, Elder. Doxology: Apostle’s Creed by Emu Music; Blowing of the Shofar by Shofar. Video Version 10min: Listen for the Full Sermon.

Video Version is short but full Version is on Audio: Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: God’s Judgment by Chief Apostle Reddick Master Apostle Judge Presiding the Word in Christ Authority

Peace and Blessings in and through the Holy Ghost, God’s Spirit Leading Us in Eternal Life and in Christ Full Stature . Spiritual Mother in Christ Authority, Chief Apostle Judge Reddick Master Apostle, Executive Pastor, Elder of the Faith

Chief Apostle Seer Nichole Reddick Spiritual Mother & Judge in Christ Authority, Master Prophet AS King Present, The Lord's Mark or the Mark of the Beast

The Lord’s Mark or the Mark of the Beast by Chief Apostle Nichole Reddick Spiritual Mother & Judge in Christ Authority 110123


Greetings in the Lord Christ,

YHWH’S Divine Judgment is the Subtitle Precept with Converting Souls Apostolic Ministries Bible Study Precept 110123.  Spiritual Mother & Judge in Christ Authority:  Chief Apostle Reddick Church Custodian; Present: Master Prophet A. Sarah King Associate Pastor with Sonship.  Music:  Apostle’s Creed by Emu Music; You Are Yahweh by Steven Crown. Follow @apostlereddicknichole or Like, View, and Subscribe at to Support and Receive Automatic Updates and Notices for Posts and Live Streaming.

Audio Version: Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: The Lord’s Mark or the Mark of the Beast with Chief Apostle Reddick Judge in Christ Authority 110323

Peace and Blessings in and through the Holy Ghost, God’s Spirit Leading Us in Eternal Life and in the Full Stature of Christ.  In Christ Authority, Chief Apostle Nichole Reddick