Chief Apostle Reddick Spiritual Mother, Master Apostle Overseeing in Christ Authority, Head Elder, Bishop Elect A. S. King, A. S. Reddick, Master Prophetess, Associate Clergy Pastor Presiding Over the Word & Benediction, Testimony of the Redeemed, The Book of Psalm Series

Bishop’s Word The Book of Psalms by Bishop AS King Master Prophetess Assistant Clergy Pastor Presiding Over the Word 06-12-24


Greetings in the Lord Christ,

Testimony of the Redeemed is the Sub-Precept in the Bishop’s Word The Book of Psalms 06-122-24. The Bishop’s Word Presided by Bishop A Sarah King Master Prophetess Assistant Clergymen Pastor in Black with Blue Rabat Bishop Clergy Garment. Apostle Overseeing the Service Session is Discerning Apostle N B Reddick Apostle Senior Executive Clergymen Pastor in Red Apostle Vestment with Clergy Full Banded Collar Rabat Apostle Vestment. Music by Emu Music. CSAMCU has no © to Music but Company Rights Owned By Founder Apostle Nichole B Reddick Originating Pastor. 

Bishop’s Benediction:
Peace and Blessings with the Love of Christ for The Challenge is Great but God is Greater than the Challenge, Bishop AS King Master Prophetess Assistant Clergy Pastor