Letting the Rivers Flow, Master Apostle N Reddick Master Seer Presiding, Master Apostle N Reddick Overseeing, Master Prophet AS King Present, Spirit Birthing: Born of Water

Letting the Rivers Flow II by Master Apostle Nichole Reddick & Master Seer Overseeing & Preaching CSAM Church Bible Study Sermon Precept 090623

Letting the Rivers Flow II

Greetings in the Lord Christ,

Spirit Birthing: Born of Water is the Subtitle Precept. Overseeing & Preaching: Master Apostle N Reddick & Master Seer; Present: Master Prophet AS King & Associate Pastor. Follow @apostlereddicknichole or Like, View, and Subscribe at https://www.youtube.com/@seerapostlereddicknichole/ to Support and Receive Automatic Updates.

Peace & Blessings in and through the Holy Ghost, God’s Spirit Leading us in God’s Power and Agape. In Christ Authority, Master Apostle & Master Seer Nichole Reddick