Biblical Heart of Love
Audio Preaching, The Love of the Heart

The Love of the Heart

Greetings in the Name of Our Potentate Kings: God the Father and Jesus Christ his Son,

I pray you are having a blessed week. The Love of God causes life: an eternal living. His Love is the pillar of our Faith and it fortifies us in him as a wall fortifies a city. This Agape is only found in revealed religion by the Revealer himself God the Father and Jesus Christ in whom Christians put their trust. Click the hyperlink below to be empowered, healed, and enriched with The Love of the Heart:


Peace & Blessings,

Apostle Nichole Reddick

Biblical Heart of Love
The Heart

The Heart

Greetings in the Name of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ,

I pray you have a blessed week. This is a late post and I apologize knowing you look for my post every Monday morning. We are in the year of Fortification. The emotion or feelings of love from the heart towards God the Father and Jesus Christ his Son is a pillar of our faith. A pillar is used in building and supporting which is fortification. Within itself it is firm and has strength being hard to destroy. Loving God is the first and second commandment which if we walk in it, we fulfill the law as Christ did and have this pillar in our lives. There are two hyperlinks, The Heart and Spirit and Soul, within the document to help explain the heart to give you full understanding of today’s message. To read more on The Heart click the hyperlink below:

Peace & Blessings,

Originating Pastor, Seer Apostle Nichole Reddick, Bishop of the Faith